Erasmus+ is the EU programme for
education, training, youth and sport in Europe.
Erasmus+ is the EU programme for education, training, youth and sport in Europe.
Its budget is estimated at €26.2 billion, almost double that of the previous programme (2014-2020). The 2021-2027 programme places a strong emphasis on social inclusion, the green and digital transition and the promotion of young people's participation in democratic life. It supports the priorities and activities set out in the European Education Area, the Digital Education Action Plan and the new Skills Agenda for Europe. In addition, the programme:
- supports the European Pillar of Social Rights
- implements the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027
- develops the European dimension in sport.
Joining the Erasmus Plus Programme and obtaining the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021 – 2027 allows the COSMO Foundation to strengthen and improve the training offer in quantitative and qualitative terms, as well as the image of an Institute that is able to operate internationally to allow young students to face the great challenges that await them as citizens and future professionals of Europe. Taking into account the initiatives of the European Commission to promote the creation of a European area of education and, as indicated in the Communication from the Commission, "To strengthen the European identity through education and culture", the strategy of the Foundation has identified the following objectives:
Promoting European student mobility activities through the opportunities offered by the Erasmus Plus programme in order to enhance active citizenship, employability, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Promoting cooperation with foreign higher education institutions by joining existing networks or by encouraging the creation of international networks of companies to facilitate internships in the fashion sector. All this requires the promotion of mutual recognition, trust, cooperation and the exchange of best practices as instruments to facilitate mobility and the participation of all students who are motivated by them.
Ensuring equal opportunities so that students from disadvantaged backgrounds can also access the Foundation's offer, not only on site, but also at the level of transnational mobility, receiving the support they need to take full advantage of the experience offered to them.
Promoting and publicising the image of the Foundation at European and international level in order to make it attractive to other European Institutes and/or companies.
Increasing language learning, ensuring that students acquire good language skills that allow them to face the experience of mobility abroad in the best possible way, thus being able to take full advantage of it.
Improving teaching experiences through exchanges of teaching staff at international level in order to develop study programmes increasingly in line with the needs of companies at European level, learning activities and innovative, personalised and digital training methodologies, improve teaching materials, offer students state-of-the-art tools and equipment, as well as opportunities to take advantage of the latest developments in the fashion market.