Eyewear Product Manager

Design and technical development, 3D printing, 800 hours of internship.

The Eyewear Product Manager is responsible for the production of an eyewear collection

ITS Cosmo » Corsi » Veneto » Longarone (BL) » Eyewear Product Manager

The course in brief

  • Duration: Two years.
  • Hours: 2,000 hours, of which 1,200 classroom hours and 800 hours of internship.
  • Qualification obtained: Senior Technician EQF (European Qualification Framework) Level 5.
  • Partneers: Tra le altre: De Rigo Vision, Marchon, Marcolin, Thelios, Faoflex, Look Occhiali, Luxol, Pramaor, Revert, Thema Optical, Vista Eyewear.
  • Project work: during the second year, the students are engaged in the completion of a project, carried out in close collaboration with a company and presented during the final exam.

During the two-year period, students will have the chance to participate in fairs and industry events, as well as educational visits to companies in the industry.

who is
the Eyewear product manager

The Eyewear Product Manager is responsible for the production of a collection of eyewear : they analyse fashion and market trends , studies materials  and technologies  and synthesises and translates the results into ideas for the design of optical glasses and sunglasses. They transform ideas into industrialisable technical projects, ready to be placed on the market.
The course trains a professional individual who will gain the skills to design glasses  and coordinate all the phases of their technical construction : from the sketch to the graphic design, up to the prototype  and 3D printing. They work alongside and coordinate within the company with the experts from the Style Office  and the Product Development , Design  and Prototyping  areas.

progettazione occhiali

subjects and workshops


The course starts with the subjects oriented towards the development of the collection : Market research, Basic elements of product design, Product design from brief.
The course then aims to give a solid foundation in design: with Freehand  Eyewear Design and Graphic Design with Illustrator software , the student enters the heart of the  stylistic and technical design  of the eyewear product and the definition of shapes, colours, sizes etc.

Product development and prototyping

The student learns to use the Rhinoceros prototyping software with which they will carry out the  technical design of the glasses, with 2D and 3D models.
They continue the study of eyewear production processes and work up to the creation and modification of prototypes with 3D printing .


The student learns to define the production plan  and the characteristics of the processes, with the relative development of technical documents. Finally, ample space is given to the study of the eyewear sector , to include the production of eyewear in the most appropriate way within the fashion and accessories industry .

The area
and the companies with which it collaborates

course location

Politecnico Internazionale dell'Occhiale
Via Malcom 1 Loc. Roa di Castellavazzo - 32013 LONGARONE (BL)

Project coordination:
Andrea Rossa: andrea.rossa@itscosmo.it
Secretariat open from Monday to Friday, h. 8,30 – 17,30.
Phone no. 0437 573157

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